Month: October 2011

  • JPA2 Serialized Blob Never Really Null

    This one got me late on a Friday (actually after work so I was doubly frustrated) and is to do with how JPA2 persists attributes of items that are not of basic Java types and which are also not entities. In order words attributes that implement Serializable and get shoved into BLOB fields.

  • Installing Maven on Ubuntu 11.10

    For some reason I can’t possibly fathom Linux seems to have a downer on all things Java. Packages are available for most things but they are invariably not the latest version which means performing a manual install – not the end of the world but irritating when you can just install a package for most…

  • Postfix Relay via Gmail

    I’ve got a Linux bux that I use as a webserver and media centre. Since it runs 24/7 and is world facing I wan’t to be able to monitor it and the easiest way to do that is to have it send me emails about it’s status. For example every night I want to receive…

  • Glassfish 3.1 Exception While Loading

    I recently switched over to using GlassFish 3.1 and then 3.1.1 from 3.0 and I so wish I hadn’t. The 3.1 release doesn’t seem to have bought any new toys but it’s brought a whole host of bugs and weird behaviour. The latest piece of oddness described here has just wasted a couple of hours…