Month: June 2015

  • Pinyin causing Glassfish and Jetty to Fail

    For as long as I can remember I’ve been hitting a bug when I start one of my web applications under GlassFish. The error message is about an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception and is related to Pinyin. I’ve looked for a solution a few times but never found an answer that worked. It seems to be one…

  • Reading Material

    Over the years I’ve read my fair share of books on various aspects of computing from operating system design through to test driven development and for the last few years I’ve also been taking MOOC’s as I like the learning style. It occurred to me that I should probably keep a list so that I can see what I need…

  • WordPress Redirection Plugin

    I recently installed a new WordPress site as a replacement for an older site and I needed to redirect the old pages to the new site. I installed the WordPress redirection plugin in order to do this as it looked well supported and feature rich.

  • Ubuntu Install – GRUB on the USB

    It seems like only yesterday that I was installing Red Hat from floppy disks. Fortunately things have moved on a bit and now I generally install Ubuntu from a USB stick. The other day though I ran into a new problem. At the end of the process the installer asks if you’d like to install…

  • Simpler KVM Network Configuration

    In the series of articles I wrote discussing the installation of KVM on Ubuntu I spent articles 2 and 3 discussing the network set up but it occurred to me that it was actually an unnecessarily difficult set up and so in this article I’ll discuss a simpler KVM network configuration set up.

  • KVM Migration Problems

    I recently experienced some KVM migration problems while moving virtual machines from my development laptop to my server. The laptop has a Core i7 processor but the server is running a Core i5 and, as you might expect, they have different features available. In this article I’ll explain what I did to fix my KVM migration problems.