Category: Networking
Mininet Waiting for Network Configuration
I recently started taking the Udacity course on Computer Networking and while it looks like a good course it suffers from the same problem all the Udacity courses seem to suffer from: really badly put together examples and quizzes. It’s a shame because the material itself is generally of a really high quality. The problem I…
WobblyStack – A Single Node OpenStack Install
For a couple of years now I’ve run a small VMWare virtualization system for my business. Broadly speaking it’s gone well and been fairly uneventful. The only panic came when I transitioned from the free to the small business version of the software – I installed more memory than was allowed in the free version,…
MikroTik RB751G Configuration
This page describes the initial set up of my MikroTik RB751G router with a Thompson Gateway TG585v7 BeBox. Although that sounds quite specific these settings are should work with most or all ADSL routers that are in bridge mode and other RouterBoard devices.