Tag: Maven
Simple CRUD Example – Part 2
In the last article I showed you how to create a Debry database and set up a persistence unit. In this article I’ll create a very basic CRUD application. Using JSF 2, JPA 2 and EJB 3.1.
Simple CRUD Example – Part 1
If you have ever developed a web application you’ll know that most of the code you write is not clever business logic that’s doing complicated calculations but actually fairly simple CRUD (Create, Reuse/Retrieve, Update, Delete) code. Since this is the type of code that gets written all the time it makes sense to know it…
Installing Maven on Ubuntu 11.10
For some reason I can’t possibly fathom Linux seems to have a downer on all things Java. Packages are available for most things but they are invariably not the latest version which means performing a manual install – not the end of the world but irritating when you can just install a package for most…
Maven Build Problem with JDK 7
I recently upgraded my system from Java 6 to Java 7. Over all I’m really pleased with the improvement I’m seeing from Java 7 but the upgrade has come with a little cost. For some reason I’m getting a failure in NetBeans when I try to deploy one of the web applications that I’m working…
Getting Started with JEE 6 – Creating a New Project
This short series of articles covers some of the basics of working with Java EE 6 (JEE6) and in particular JSF 2.0 and CDI (JSR 299 Context and Dependency Injection). JSF 2.0 and CDI bring some fantastic new functionality to the table but at the same time they also replicate a lot of existing ideas…